Gutenberg blocks development for programmers with NO time

Maurico Gelves

Gutenberg blocks development for programmers with NO time

Goal: The goal is to show to developers that they DON’T need to know deep knowledges in Javascript, React, Webpack and other technologies in order to create Gutenberg Blocks. Just with simple PHP, HTML & CSS we can build whatever we want, just like we did over these 15 years.

Category: Development

Target group: Developers

Description: My prayers were heard. I knew that sooner or later the WordPress Community would create a software to ease the creation of Gutenberg Blocks. Elliot Condon and his team, from the well known ACF plugin, were responsible for this miracle that has saved me lot and lot of hours of work in my projects.

Come to this workshop and see how easy is to implement them and be proud to call yourself a Gutenberg Block Developer.

Participant requirements: Basic knowledge on PHP and WordPress basic development.

Technical requirements: They need to have a laptop and a local environment (Docker, MAMP/LAMP, etc). I will provide access to plugin we’ll need.
